Pick A Treadmill That Suits You!
, by Joris Lans, 6 min reading time
Más de 1200 clientes satisfechos (4.7/5)
, by Joris Lans, 6 min reading time
LifeSpan has different kinds of treadmills to choose from. Buying the right treadmill can therefore be tricky. We're all different people with varying wants and needs. So how to pick a treadmill that bests suits YOUR needs? No worries. We've made an overview to help you out.
What to pay attention to when buying a treadmill?
Burning calories, slimming down, strengthening your muscles, improving your fitness, training with or after injury, easy walking, jogging or intensive running? The way you want to go use your treadmill decides which one is best for you. If you want to burn calories, slim down and get fit you best pick a treadmill with a high maximum speed level, for example the TR5500iT.
If you wish you strengthen your muscles a treadmill with a high level of inclination is strongly recommended. The LifeSpan TR3000iT features an incline level of no less than 15%. If you're training with or after a serious injury, the TR8000iT is your best pick. This treadmill has a speed level as low as 0.2 km/u and as high as 19 km/u, so you can walk at a very low pace without straining your joints.
Exercise programs are very important to achieve your training goals. If you want to burn calories and slim down, you're going to need a treadmill with a heart rate controlled training program. This way you can keep your maximum heart rate within your ideal training zone and achieve your training goals a lot easier and more effectively. If you want to improve your level of fitness you're best served with incline or interval training.
Incline training means you can lift the front side of the treadmill up to simulate walking, jogging or running up a hill, or lowering the front side to a negative number to simulate walking, jogging or running downhill. Interval training is a special kind of training at which you alternate between periods of high intensity and periods of low intensity. We also offer treadmills with manual user programs you can completely compose yourself. This is ideal if you like to decide your own terms of training.
Are you going to be the only one using the treadmill, or will your relatives also have a go with it? If the latter is the case you need to assume the user with the biggest weight and build in a margin of 15 to 20 kg on top of that. For example, if the heaviest user weighs 100 kg you need to buy yourself a treadmill with a maximum loadable user weight of 115 to 120 kg. Our treadmills feature a maximum loadable weight of 136, 158, 159, 180, 182 and 227 kg and are suitable for intensive use by heavy weighted users.
A treadmill is a big fitness equipment that takes up quite some room. You need to be able to get on and off easily and quickly and walk around the treadmill. So make sure the room you want to put the treadmill in is big enough. Another point of interest is the height of the ceiling. The ceiling must be high enough to train safely and comfortably. Take the tallest user and add at least 40 cm. So is you measure let's say 1.80 meters, the room has to be 220 cm high. Most treadmills cover 50 cm in wide. We recommend you place the treadmill in a room that's at least 2 meters wide.
If you don't have that much space for your treadmill it might be a good idea to buy yourself a foldable treadmill. These treadmills only take up space when in use. The TR1200iT, TR2000iT, TR3000iT, TR4000iT and TR5500iT are equipped with the easy EZfold folding system. To fold the treadmill you need only to lift the running surface until it stands up straight. Lower the running surface if you're planning to use the treadmill. If you want to move the treadmill make sure it has transport wheels. All LifeSpan treadmills feature transport wheels to easily and quickly ride your treadmill away and store it in a space-saving way.
Treadmill workouts can get quite boring. If you get easily bored with and tired of training, a treadmill with additional features is ideal for you. The TR2000iT has Bluetooth so you can use the LifeSpan Fit App to check and synchronize your training results and built-in speakers to listen to your favorite music. The TR7000iC features WiFi so you can surf the internet or watch movies and series on Netflix. The treadmill also has 6 virtual simulation videos so you can follow your training, without staring at the wall. All our treadmills are equipped with nice additional features. Check them out here!
The weight of a treadmill speaks for its stability and quality. The higher the weight the better and stronger the frame and the sturdier the treadmill. A heavier treadmill obviously is a lot more stable than a less heavy treadmill. A heavier treadmill usually allows you to train more intense because it's more steady and won't wobble at a higher speed or inline level. Of course, a heavier treadmill is more expensive than a less heavy one. So it's up yo you to decide how much you want to spend on stability and quality. Our treadmills have weights varying from 90 t0 185 kg.