1.500+ tevreden klanten (4.7/5)

Lifespan Omni desk

Life's short. Live longer.

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Hier vindt u een mix van artikelen die u niet alleen helpen het maximale uit uw LifeSpan producten te halen, maar die u ook fitness- en voedingsadvies geven.


  • Biophilic workplace

    , Von FLOW Admin Biophilic Design: How Nature-Inspired Spaces Improve Productivity and Wellness

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  • a group of people sitting around a table with cups of coffee

    , Von FLOW Admin Unlocking the Power of Coffee: Health Benefits and Performance Boosts

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  • a person taking a nap

    , Von FLOW Admin The Role of Napping in Mental and Physical Recovery

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  • Deskercise: Essential Stretches for the Office Worker

    , Von FLOW Admin Deskercise: essentiële rekoefeningen voor de kantoormedewerker

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  • Keeping Fit at Work: Engaging Office Fitness Challenges

    , Von FLOW Admin Fit blijven op het werk: uitdagingen op kantoor aangaan

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  • Promoting Wellness Culture in the Workplace: female using a walking pad and exercise bike whilst working

    , Von FLOW Admin Bevordering van de welzijnscultuur op de werkplek: strategieën voor succes

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Voeding en gewichtsverlies

  • healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil

    , Von FLOW Admin Debunking Common Nutrition Myths in Weight Loss

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  • a person holding an orange in front of their face

    , Von FLOW Admin The Connection Between Diet and Skin: Nourishing Your Skin From the Inside Out

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  • various fruits and vegetables arranged on a wooden table

    , Von FLOW Admin The Power of Fibre

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Fitness & Oefening

  • a person is doing tricep dips on a bar

    , Von FLOW Admin Mind Over Muscle: Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Muscle Connection

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  • a person doing yoga in their bedroom

    , Von FLOW Admin Isometric Exercises Explained: How Static Holds Build Strength and Stability

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  • man performing a pull up

    , Von FLOW Admin Calisthenics 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Bodyweight Strength Training

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  • Advanced Balance Board Exercises

    , Von Ronald de Hoog Fortgeschrittene Balance-Board-Übungen

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  • Beginner Balance Board Exercises

    , Von Ronald de Hoog Balance-Board-Übungen für Anfänger

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  • How to use the treadmill lubricant

    , Von Ronald de Hoog So verwenden Sie das Gleitmittel Laufband

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