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Why you should workout at home during the Summer

Why you should workout at home during the Summer

, by Ronald de Hoog, 5 min reading time

This summer, there's no need to be tied to the gym to maintain your fitness regimen. Embracing home workouts can liberate your schedule, allowing you to soak up the glorious sunshine.

In this post, we'll explore the numerous benefits of exercising at home during the summer months. Whether it's through the use of standing desks, treadmill desks, or desk bikes, integrating fitness into your home or office routine comes with its own set of advantages. For instance, you can bid farewell to early morning alarms or enduring traffic under the scorching sun for a gym session.

At LifeSpan Europe, we're committed to ensuring individuals at all fitness levels have access to workout equipment that seamlessly fits into their daily routine. Our range of equipment is designed to accommodate various work schedules, ensuring you maximise your fitness plan.

Read on to discover how home workouts during the summer can fast-track your journey to achieving your fitness goals.


Escape the Summer Heat

One of the main advantages of home workouts during the summer is the ability to dodge the heat. Exercising in the cool comfort of an air-conditioned home can enhance the effectiveness of your workout, which can be significantly reduced in extreme temperatures. An at-home treadmill, for instance, can facilitate all your cardio exercises without the risk of overheating.

Moreover, home workouts eliminate the discomfort of driving to the gym in a heatwave. Despite having air conditioning in your car, the immediate heat exposure upon leaving can make your clothes cling to your skin, making you long for a cool shower at home. With a treadmill at home, you can transition from work to workout and then to a refreshing shower without stepping outside.

Savour the Summer

Incorporating a standing desk, treadmill desk, or bike desk into your routine can help you achieve your fitness goals without missing out on the summer festivities. While outdoor workouts can be enjoyable during the summer, there will be times when you'd rather unwind in the pleasant weather after work. This is where the convenience of working out while you work comes in handy. You can head straight to the pool after work without a second thought, as you've already completed your workout at home.

Bypass the Gym Crowd

Home workouts allow you to sidestep the gym and its associated inconveniences. Save your money and time by achieving your fitness goals at home, without the need to endure traffic under the blazing sun.


Now that we've highlighted the perks of home workouts during the summer, let's delve into some bodyweight exercises you can perform to stay fit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. The following exercises can help you meet much of this recommended exercise time.

The focus of these exercises is to keep moving rather than counting sets. Keep it brief but consistent. Fitness experts often stress the importance of a balanced routine. Aim to engage your entire body, not just specific muscle groups. Combine resistance training targeting arms, legs, chest, shoulders, and your core with aerobic exercises to keep your metabolism revved up.

Resistance training strengthens your muscles by working them against external forces. Let's explore some resistance and cardio exercises you can easily perform indoors.



Squats primarily target your glutes, legs, and core, but they're also one of the most effective full-body exercises. To perform a squat, stand with your feet flat and shoulder-width apart, ensuring your back and neck are naturally aligned. Lower your body while keeping your knees behind your toes, hold, then return to the standing position. Repeat this 10-15 times for multiple sets.


Lunges are another comprehensive exercise that primarily targets your glutes, legs, and core. Stand upright with relaxed shoulders, keeping your chin up. Take a step forward with one foot, lowering your hips until your front leg forms a 90-degree angle. Ensure your back knee doesn't touch the floor. Push back to your starting position, shifting your weight to your heels. Repeat this with the other leg, performing 10-15 repetitions for each set.


Planks are a full-body exercise that primarily strengthens your core. To perform a plank, place your forearms flat on the ground, ensuring your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your feet together, balancing on your toes. Tighten your abdominal muscles while maintaining steady breathing. Hold the plank for at least 20 seconds, depending on your fitness level, and repeat for multiple sets.


Push-ups are arguably the most effective bodyweight exercise for the upper body. Start with your feet together and hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body towards your hands, keeping your core tight, then push back to the original position. If regular push-ups are too challenging, you can modify them by lowering your body to your knees. Repeat 10-15 times for multiple sets.


There are numerous reasons why home workouts are a smart choice during the summer. Summer is a time for enjoyment, not for being cooped up in a gym. You should be out basking in the sun by the pool, spending time with friends and family, and relaxing. Home workouts simplify your fitness routine, allowing you to fully enjoy the summer.

With LifeSpan Europe, you can do more than just workout at home. You can also enhance your productivity. Our standing desks, treadmill desks, and bike desks allow you to exercise from the comfort of your home while staying focused on your work. This way, you can relish the summer as it's meant to be enjoyed: outdoors, not in the gym!

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how you can benefit from at-home fitness equipment this summer. 


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